Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Pizza who?
I'm gonna give her a pizza my mind!
2>The owner of a large warehouse decided to make a surprise visit to check up on his staff. While walking through the warehouse, he spotted a young man sitting lazily in a corner.
'How much are you being paid a week?' said the owner angrily.
'Three hundred bucks,' replied the young man.
Taking out a fold of bills from his wallet, the owner slapped the money into the boy's hand and said, 'Here's a week's pay. Now get out and don't come back here again.'
Turning to one of the supervisors, he said, 'How long has that lazy guy worked here, anyway?'
'He doesn't work here,' said the supervisor.
'He just came to deliver a pizza.'
4>What do you call the boss of a pizza parlor?
The big cheese.
1>What food did the cannibal order as his takeaway?
Pizza with everyone on it.
1>What is a cannibal's favorite type of pizza?
Extra large, with everybody on it.
1>What is tall, Italian, and has a topping of pepperoni?
The leaning tower of Pizza.
1>What type of cheese does a dog like on his pizza?
1>When a blonde ordered a pizza, the clerk inquired if she wanted it cut into six or twelve slices.
'Six, please. I could never eat twelve pieces.'