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Joke Topic - 'Missionaries' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Missionaries'.

A cannibal captured a missionary in the depths of the jungle. He asked him about the most enjoyable way to consume him. 'Boiled or roasted?'
The missionary said, 'To tell you the truth, I'm a friar.'
A missionary in a remote jungle outpost found himself face to face with a ferocious lion. Knowing he was doomed for certain, he kneeled down and said his prayers. To his astonishment, the lion, too, kneeled quietly. 'Praise God! This is a miracle!' the joyous missionary shouted. 'Quiet!' growled the lion, 'I'm saying grace ...'
First Cannibal: 'We had robbers at our house yesterday.'
Second Cannibal: 'Did you enjoy them?'
First Cannibal: 'Yes, but they weren't as good as the missionaries we had last week.'

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An irrelephant.

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Who's there?
Faye who?
Fayeding away.


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What a joker she is.


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He had her credit cards removed!


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Because his days were numbered.
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