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Joke Topic - 'Mirror'

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Mirror'.


Fred: My girlfriend spends hours in front of the mirror admiring her beauty. Do you think that's vanity?
George: No, it's just imagination.

Why did the invisible man look in the mirror?
To make sure he wasn't there.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics



What did the dentist see when he went to the North Pole?
A molar bear.


What type of jewelry do witches like to wear?
Charm bracelets.


Why don't snowmen ever marry?
They always get cold feet at the last minute.


Don't marry for money...You can borrow it cheaper.


My uncle said, 'I wonder what'll happen if I feed gunpowder to my chickens?'
I said, 'You'll probably get an eggsplosion.'


Why do elephants do so well in school?
Because they have a lot of grey matter.


How do frogs die?
They Kermit suicide.


Ossifer, I swear to drunk I'm not God!


Did you hear about the child who was named after his father?
They called him dad.

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