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Joke Topic - 'Lobster'

Here is 1 joke on the topic - 'Lobster'.


Hamish walks into a posh Scottish restaurant and the waiter says: "Canap� for you sir?"
So Hamish says: "That's very generous of you. I'll have the lobster."

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Doggie Bags

Customer: Why don't you have doggie bags?
Waiter: That would be considered cruelty to animals.


Why does it take so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night?


How do you make a piano laugh?
Tickle its ivories.


It was so cold last week that I saw several lawyers with their hands in their own pockets.


What type of driver doesn't need a license?
A screw driver.


Where do fish keep their money?
In river banks.


Why did the strawberry hire a lawyer?
Because it was in a jam.


What should you do if you find three lawyers buried up to their neck in cement?
Run and find some more cement!


Have you heard about the lawyers' word processor?
No matter what font you select, everything come out in fine print.

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