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Joke Topic - 'Jobs' - Page 2 - With 3 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 2 of jokes on the topic - 'Jobs'.

What do you say to an Arts graduate with a job?
I'll have a hamburger, please.
Why did the lazy man apply for a job in the bakery?
Because he was a loafer.
Why was the butcher so worried?
His job was at steak.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


What has eight feet and sings?
A quartet.


Why was the vampire sent to jail?
He tried to rob the local blood bank!


What would you get if Batman and Robin were run over by a steamroller?
Flatman and ribbon.


People who live in glass houses always have to answer the doorbell.


My wife was the last of 5 Scottish sisters to marry; the confetti was filthy.


Why did the farmer ask the vet to examine his cow?
Because she was so mooo-dy.


How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only one, but you must nag him for a fortnight first.


What has four eyes and a mouth?
The Mississippi.


What is the difference between baseball and law?
In baseball, if you're caught stealing, you're out.
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