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Joke Topic - 'Illiterate'

Here is 1 joke on the topic - 'Illiterate'.


Illiterate? Call this number for help.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics



Did you hear about the guy who went bankrupt in the laundry business?
He said he was all washed up.


Which is the quietest breed of dog?
A hush puppy!


It's your right to be stupid, but it doesn't mean you need to be!


If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?


A clerk in a butcher shop is 5'10" tall. What does he weigh?


Lawyer Says His Client Is Not That Guilty

Light Bulbs

How many civil servants does it take to change the light bulb?
45. One to change the bulb, and 44 to do the paperwork.


Knock, Knock!
Who's There?
Let me!
Let me who?
Will you please let me in, it's cold out here!

10 Pin Bowling

What must be the quietest sport?
10 pin bowling, because you can hear a pin drop.

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