One time, an idiot was at a vending machine. He would stick a quarter in, push the button, and a soda would come out, and he would put it on top of the machine. He did this a few more times before a man asked why he kept doing this, and he said, 'Because I'm winning.'
3>Two idiots walked deep into a forest searching for a Christmas tree. After spending hours in the deep snow and biting wind, one idiot turned to the other and said, 'I'm going to chop down the next tree I see. I don't care whether it's decorated or not!'
3>Watch out for the idiot behind me.
1>Why did the idiot put on wet trousers?
Because the label said 'wash and wear.'
1>You must think I'm the perfect idiot.
No, you're not perfect.
1>Your village called. They're missing their idiot.