This woman went to the doctor. She said, 'Doctor, my husband thinks he's a cat.'
The doctor said, 'How do you know that?'
She answered, 'Well, every night when I go to bed, there's this dreadful howling outside the window.
The doctor said, 'Yes, but are you sure that that's your husband?'
She said, 'Well, a cat wouldn't use language like that.'
3>What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
A widow.
1>Where can a husband always find sympathy?
In the dictionary.
1>Wife: One more word from you, and I will leave you and go back to my mother.
Husband: Taxi!
2>Wife: To think that I had to marry you in order to realize how foolish you truly are.
Husband: When I asked you to marry me, you ought to have recognized that.
2>Wife: Why did you come home at 4 am this morning?
Husband: Where else can you go at 4 in the morning in this town?