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Joke Topic - 'Holidays' - 7 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 7 jokes on the topic - 'Holidays'.

Related Topics: Vacations (22)
A poor little East End kid was taken away to the country for his first holiday, and as he got off the train at his destination, he looked around in bewilderment. 'Blimey, What a lot of grass to keep off.'
A Scot from Aberdeen was on holiday in London, and every night, he returned to his hotel full of the wonders of the city. So much so that another guest asked: 'Is this your first visit?'
'Aye, it is.'
'You seem to be having a great time.'
'Aye, I am that.'
'And what's more, it's not just a holiday. It's my honeymoon as well.'
'Oh. Then where's your wife?'
'Och. She's been here before.'
Christmas is a holiday on which neither the past nor the future is as important as the present.
Did you hear about the Scotsman who went on a week's holiday to England? He took a clean shirt and a five-pound note with him. When he arrived home, he hadn't changed either of them.
Two little East End kids were paddling in the sea at Southend. 'Cor,' said one, 'look at your feet. They ain't half dirty.'
'Well, we didn't have no 'oliday last year.'
What is Count Dracula's favorite holiday?
What is grey, has four legs and a trunk?
A mouse going on holiday.
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