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Joke Topic - 'Hippies' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Hippies'.

In the mid-sixties, there was a hippy named Benny in San Francisco. Benny was really hip, but he just couldn't grow a beard like the rest of the flower-child guys in Haight-Ashbury (Hashbury). One day, Benny met up with a Gypsy Lady who liked him enough to grant him a wish, so, naturally, Benny wished for a beard. Gypsy Lady granted the wish but warned Benny to ALWAYS wear the beard and never cut it off. Well, the years went by, the flower children aged, the hippy movement sorta died out, and Benny went on to a career as a successful financial adviser. Benny decided the beard no longer fit his image so, ignoring the Gypsy Lady's warnings, he shaved it off. POOF. Benny disintegrated into a pile of ashes, and the janitor swept him up and deposited him in a jar.
Moral of the story: A Benny shaved is a Benny urned.
What do you call a hippy's wife?
What's the wife of a hippie called?

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Knock Knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Fido who?
Fido known you'd be so awkward, I wouldn't have come here to see you.


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