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Joke Topic - 'Garages' - 4 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 4 jokes on the topic - 'Garages'.

A worn and very ancient Ford pulled into the local garage. 'Could you let me have half a gallon of petrol?' asked the old fellow at the wheel.
'Why don't you fill her up, now that you're here?' said the attendant.
'Well,' said the old chap, 'she might not run that far.'
Did you hear about the motorist on a tour of Scotland who went into a garage and asked them to fit his car with a set of Mull of Kin tyres?
His driveway doesn't quite reach the garage.
My wife had a nasty accident with the car this morning. She backed it out of the garage, completely forgetting that she had backed it in the night before.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


How many TEENAGERS does it take to change a light bulb?
'Do it yourself - it's your house! What am I, some kind of personal slave or something?'


In baseball, what type of dog stands behind home plate?
The catcher's mutt.


Which famous Roman general always had colds?
Julius Sneezer!


Which are the scariest prehistoric creatures?
Terror dactyls.


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Dishes, who?
Dishes the police. Open this door!


This kid said to me, 'My dad can beat your dad up.'
I said to him, 'That's nothing. So can my mum.'


Joe: I've got a cat who can say his name.
Bob: That's great! What's your cat's name?
Joe: Meow!


Where did the dog leave his car when he went shopping?
In a barking lot.


What type of television did the ghost buy?
A wide-scream TV.
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