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Joke Topic - 'Frostbite' - 2 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Frostbite'.

A man had a wife who was a terrible cook - she just served frozen food day after day. Eventually, the husband went to his doctor and explained his problem. 'And what's the trouble?' asked the doctor. 'Ulcers?'
'No, frostbite.'
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


What do you get when a dinosaur has a car accident?
Tyrannosaurus wrecks.


Do radioactive cats have eighteen half-lives?


Tell me again how lucky I am to work here. I keep forgetting.


What do you call a blonde skeleton in the closet?
The winner of a hide-and-seek game.


'Grandad, do you know how to croak?'
I don't think so, Steven, why?'
'Because Dad says he'll be rich when you do.'


Have you noticed that your boss is the only one who watches the clock during the coffee break?


Waiter: What will you have, sir?
Golfer: A club sandwich please.


Where can a husband always find sympathy?
In the dictionary.


You know your boyfriend is in love with you when he loses interest in his car for a few days.
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