Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Ida who?
Ida like to be your friend!
1>There were these two cannibals having their dinner. One said to the other, 'I don't like your friend.'
The other one said, 'Well, put him to one side and just eat the greens.'
2>What did the cookie say when it saw two friends being crushed?
Oh Crumbs!
1>What do you call a man and woman who keep showing you up in front of your friends?
Mum and Dad!
2>What do you get if you cross a dog and a calculator?
A friend you can always count on.
2>Why couldn't the coffee bean go out to play with his friends?
He was grounded.
1>You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.