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Joke Topic - 'Flowers' - 4 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 4 jokes on the topic - 'Flowers'.

Wedding - a funeral where you smell your own flowers.
What do you get if you cross a sheepdog and a bunch of daisies?
You get collie-flowers.
What is grey carries a bunch of flowers and cheers you up when you are ill?
A get wellephant.
What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers?
A bud hound.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


Bachelor: A man who has faults he doesn't know about yet.


Which famous Roman general always had colds?
Julius Sneezer!


How did the soccer field end up as a triangle?
Somebody took a corner.


What do you get if you cross a famous English detective with a skeleton?
Sherlock Bones.


Doctor, doctor! I'm becoming invisible.
Yes, I can see you're not all there.


Mother: So what have you learned on your first day at high school?
Son: Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow.


What did the panda take with him on vacation?
Just the bear necessities.


Doctor, Doctor, I feel like an apple.
Don't worry, we'll soon get to the core of this!


What do you get if you cross a zebra and a pig?
Striped sausages.
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