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Joke Topic - 'Failure' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Failure'.

If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?
Predestination was doomed to failure from the start
Who's General Failure & why's he reading my disk?

Here are some randomly selected joke topics

The Titanic

Never mind the Titanic - is there any news of the iceberg?


The murderer definitely displayed ruthlessness when he committed the crime!
How do you know that?
Because Ruth was with me.


This kid said to me, 'My dad can beat your dad up.'
I said to him, 'That's nothing. So can my mum.'


If you jump off a bridge that crosses a famous Paris river, are you in Seine?


My friend says that you can speak in cat language. Is it true?
Me - how?


What has four legs, a back, and two arms but no body?
A chair.

Office Parties

You know you're having a bad day when everyone avoids you the morning after the company office party.


Sally: I've lost my dog.
Allie: Why don't you put an ad in the paper?
Sally: That wouldn't help. My dog can't read.


What does a bee call his wife?
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