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Joke Topic - 'Elephants' - Page 4 - With 7 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 4 of jokes on the topic - 'Elephants'.

Why do elephants have big ears?
Because Noddy won't pay the ransom.
Why do elephants have short tails?
Because they can't remember long stories.
Why do elephants have trunks?
Because they would look silly carrying suitcases.
Why do elephants paint their toenails red?
For hiding in cherry trees.
Don't be silly - elephants don't hide in cherry trees!
Have you ever seen one in a cherry tree?
Proves how good the disguise is, doesn't it?
Why don't elephants like penguins?
They can't get the wrapper off. (To whom it may concern: Penguins are a brand of cookies).
Why was the elephant wearing pink tennis shoes?
They didn't have white ones in his size.
Why wasn't the elephant allowed on the plane?
Because his trunk wouldn't fit under the seat in front of him.
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