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Joke Topic - 'Drunks' - Page 2 - With 10 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 2 of jokes on the topic - 'Drunks'.

Related Topics: Bartenders (4) Bars (23) Barmen (5) Beer (16)
I'm not an alcoholic; I'm a drunk!
Alcoholics go to meetings!
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
I'm not as you think as you drunk I am.
Ossifer, I swear to drunk I'm not God!
Recently, I was in the city, and a drunk man approached me and offered to teach me how to speak Indian for ten dollars. I inquired, 'How?' He said, 'You're already learning.'
The drunker I sit here, the longer I get.
Two drunks were riding a roller coaster when one turned to the other and said, 'We may be making good time, but I've got a feeling we're on the wrong bus.'
Two drunks were staggering home one night when they passed the local brewery, which was lit up. One said, 'It's good to know that no matter how much we drink, they are still able to supply enough.'
'Maybe,' said his friend, 'but I see that we have them working nights'.
Why did the drunk man dislike the cute little puppy?
Because it was the heir of the dog that bit him.
Why is it that drunks never spill drinks on other drunks?
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