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Joke Topic - 'Driving'

Here are 11 jokes on the topic - 'Driving'.

'Surely you're not going to drive that car,' said the policeman, advancing on the motorist who had just staggered out of a bar.
'Well, offisher, do you think I'm in any condition to walk?'
A policeman pulled over an old man driving down the freeway and said, 'Sir, did you know your wife fell out of the car about half a mile back?'
The old man said, 'Thank god for that; for a moment there, I thought I was going deaf!'
CAUTION! I Drive The Same Way As You!
I don't care who you are, what you are driving, or where you would rather be
If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.
Police Officer: Why are you driving your car wearing only a bathing suit?
Motorist: I'm in a carpool.
The shortest distance between two points is the route a man takes when driving his mother-in-law home.
What type of car does Dracula drive?
A bloodmobile.
Why am I the only person on earth that knows how to drive?
Why is it so hard to drive golf balls?
They don't have steering wheels!
You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.
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