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Joke Topic - 'Doctors' - Page 4 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 4 of jokes on the topic - 'Doctors'.

Related Topics: Surgeons (3) Nurses (6) Hospitals (4) Medicine (5)
Doctor, Doctor, I keep seeing pink elephants.
Have you seen a psychiatrist?
No - only pink elephants.
Doctor, doctor, I keep stealing things.
Have you taken anything for it?
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a bee.
Buzz off. Can't you see that I'm busy?
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a bottle of gin.
I think you need a little tonic.
Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a goat.
And how long has this been going on?
Oh, ever since I was a kid.
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a laptop computer.
You're just run down; let me give you some vitamins.
No, thanks. But perhaps you could recharge my batteries.
Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a pack of cards.
Just sit there, and I'll deal with you in a minute.
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a slice of bread.
Doctor: You need to stop loafing around.
Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a snail.
Don't worry, we'll soon have you out of your shell.
Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I'm God.
When did this start?
I first created the sun, then the earth.
Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I'm invisible.
Who said that?
Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking that I'm a bee.
Doctor: Sorry, I'm too busy to see you right now. Can you give me a buzz later?
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