Doctor, Doctor, I believe I am suffering from Deja Vu!
Didn't I see you yesterday?
Doctor, doctor, I can't stop sneezing - is there anything you can give me?
How about a tissue?
Doctor, doctor, I feel like a 10-dollar note
Well, go and buy something then; the change will do you good.
Doctor, Doctor, I feel like a deck of cards.
Sit down, and I'll deal with you later.
Doctor, Doctor, I feel like a dog.
Doctor, Doctor, I feel like an apple.
Don't worry, we'll soon get to the core of this!
Doctor, doctor, I feel like I'm part of the Internet!
Well, you do look a site.
Doctor, Doctor, I flush a lot of the time.
Don't worry, it's just a chain reaction.
Doctor, Doctor, I keep getting an urge to paint myself gold.
Don't worry, it's just a gilt complex!
Doctor, doctor, I keep losing my memory.
When did you first notice it?
When did I first notice what?
Doctor, Doctor, I keep seeing an insect spinning in front of my eyes.
Don't worry, it's just a bug that's going around!
Doctor, doctor, I keep seeing into the future.
When did this first happen?
Next Tuesday.