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Joke Topic - 'Doctors' - Page 2 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 2 of jokes on the topic - 'Doctors'.

Related Topics: Surgeons (3) Nurses (6) Hospitals (4) Medicine (5)
An elderly man was lying on the operating table awaiting surgery, and he demanded that his son, a renowned surgeon, should do the operation. As he was about to go under the anaesthetic, he asked to speak to his son.
' Yes, Dad, what is it?'
' Now, don't be nervous, son, just do your best and remember, if it doesn't go well and something happens to me ..your mother is going to come and stay with you and your wife.'
At a party, a woman was talking to a doctor. 'What kind of a doctor are you?' she asked.
' A Naval surgeon,' he replied.
' My, how you doctors specialize,' she said.
Billy: I went to the eye doctor because I saw spots in front of my eyes. He gave me glasses.
Paul: Did the glasses help?
Billy: They did; I can see the spots much more clearly now.
Did you hear about the man who went to the doctor with a strawberry growing out of his head?
The doctor gave him some cream to put on it.
Doctor Doctor, I feel like biscuits!
What, you mean those square ones?
The ones you put butter on?
Well, that means you're crackers!
Doctor to Patient: Do you want good or bad news first?
Patient: The good news, please.
Doctor: The good news is that you have only twenty-four hours to live.
Patient: If that's the good news, what's the bad news?
Doctor: I should have told you yesterday.
DOCTOR' The pain in your right leg is caused by old age.
OLD MAN: But my left leg is the same age, and that doesn't hurt.
Doctor, doctor! I feel like a sheep.
That's baaaaaad.
Doctor, doctor! I'm becoming invisible.
Yes, I can see you're not all there.
Doctor, Doctor, everyone keeps calling me a liar.
I can't believe that!
Doctor, Doctor, everyone keeps ignoring me.
Next, please.
Doctor, Doctor, Have you got something for a dreadful headache?
Of course. Just take this hammer and hit yourself on the head. Then you'll have a dreadful headache.
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