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Joke Topic - 'Dalmatians' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Dalmatians'.

Patient: Please help me, Doctor. Whenever I look at my dog, I keep seeing spots in front of my eyes.
Doctor: Relax. Your dog is a Dalmatian.
What do you call a large pack of black and white spotted dogs that are boring?
101 Dull-matians.
Why are Dalmatians no good at playing hide and seek?
Because they are always spotted.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


What do you call a sweet that makes you sneeze?
A chew.


Did you hear about the boatload of red paint that crashed into a boat carrying blue paint?
13 passengers were marooned.


What did one frog say to the other?
Time's sure fun when you're having flies.


Quiet Please - Driver sleeping


Where do fish wash?
In a river basin.


Don't you need a license to be that ugly?


Maid: Your husband's locked up for the night, ma'am.
Mistress: Fine, but I didn't hear him come in.
Maid: He didn't. The police just phoned.


I heard something this morning that really made me open my eyes.
What was it?
My alarm clock.


How do you open a haunted house?
You use a skeleton key.
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