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Joke Topic - 'Cricket' - 8 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 8 jokes on the topic - 'Cricket'.

Did you hear about the woman who fell in love with a famous cricket player?
She was completely bowled over by him.
I wouldn't say our wicketkeeper is useless, but the only thing he has caught all season is a cold.
If you have a referee in soccer and an umpire in cricket, what do you have in bowls?
My sister fell in love with a famous cricket player.
She was completely bowled over by him.
Patient: Doctor, you must help me; I've gone crazy about cricket.
Doctor: How's that?
Patient: Not out!
What do you get if you cross an American pioneer with an English batting game?
Davy Cricket.
Which witch is good at cricket?
The Wicket Witch of the North.
Why could you say that a fish and chip shop is like a cricket team?
Because they both need a good batter.
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