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Joke Topic - 'Cows' - Page 4 - With 12 More Jokes and Funny Stories

This is page 4 of jokes on the topic - 'Cows'.

What is a cow's favorite city in America?
Moo York City.
What party game is a favorite of cows?
MOO-sical chairs.
What TV program is watched mainly by cows?
Moos At Ten.
What type of events do cows like to go to?
Barn Dances.
Where do American cows live?
In Moo York.
Where do cows go on vacation?
Where do cows like to go on a Saturday night?
To the MOO-vies.
Where do milkshakes come from?
Nervous cows.
Where would you most likely find a prehistoric cow?
In a moo-seum.
Which American state has the most cows?
Which newspaper do cows enjoy reading?
The Daily Moos.
Why can't you shock cows?
Because they've herd it all before.
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