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Joke Topic - 'Count Dracula' - 3 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 3 jokes on the topic - 'Count Dracula'.

What do you get if you cross Count Dracula with a plumber?
A drain in the neck.
What does Count Dracula like to do every morning at eleven?
Take a coffin-break.
Why did Count Dracula want to become an actor?
He said it was in his blood.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


I come from a stupid family. During the Civil War, my great-uncle fought for the West!

The Lottery

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Water who?
Water our chances of winning the lottery?


We call our boss the caterpillar.
Why do they call him that?
He got where he is today by crawling.


When I asked my girlfriend if I could see her home, she handed me a picture of it.


Teacher: 'What is the outer part of a tree called?'
Pupil: 'I don't know sir.'
Teacher: 'Bark, boy, bark.'
Pupil: 'Woof-woof.'


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Snow who?
Snow good asking me


Who can tell people Where to get off and get away with it?
A bus driver.


Why was the baseball player sent to jail?
Because he stole second base.


Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one?
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