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Joke Topic - 'Chickens'

Here are 16 jokes on the topic - 'Chickens'.


Did you hear about the dating agency for chickens that went bankrupt last week?
They couldn't make hens meet.

Did you hear about the stupid farmer who made his chickens drink hot water?
He thought they would lay hard-boiled eggs.

How can you tell if a chicken likes you?
It gives you a peck on the cheek.

How did the chickens dance at their Christmas party? Chick to chick.

My uncle said, 'I wonder what'll happen if I feed gunpowder to my chickens?'
I said, 'You'll probably get an eggsplosion.'

Q: Why did the chicken cross the park???
A: To get to the other slide

What do you call a chicken in a shell suit?
An egg.

What do you get if you cross a chicken and a poodle?
Pooched eggs.

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a duck?
A bird that lays down.

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a duck?
A chicken that lays down.

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