Father Cannibal To Daughter: It's time you got married. We'll start looking for an edible bachelor.
First Cannibal: 'Have you seen the dentist?'
Second Cannibal: 'Yes, he filled my teeth at dinner time.'
First Cannibal: 'We had robbers at our house yesterday.'
Second Cannibal: 'Did you enjoy them?'
First Cannibal: 'Yes, but they weren't as good as the missionaries we had last week.'
First cannibal: What are you cooking for dinner?
Second cannibal: Shut up and get back in the oven.
Have you heard about the cannibal restaurant?
A meal will cost you an arm and a leg.
Have you heard about the cannibal who applied to join the police force?
He wanted to grill his suspects.
Have you noticed that most cannibal jokes are not in good taste?
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
The cannibal came home to find his wife chopping up snakes and a very small man.
'Oh no!' he groaned. 'Not snake and pygmy pie again.'
There were these two cannibals having their dinner. One said to the other, 'I don't like your friend.'
The other one said, 'Well, put him to one side and just eat the greens.'
This girl cannibal took her boyfriend home to meet her mum. She said, 'Mum, what do you think of him?'
Her mum said, 'Lovely dear. He looks good enough to eat.'
Two cannibals had just cooked up a missionary and were having dinner. The first says to the second, 'Hey, what do you think of this missionary?' The second replies, 'Quite tasty, much better than those pork pies they used to serve us at the London School of Economics.'