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Joke Topic - 'Call'

Here is 1 joke on the topic - 'Call'.


Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Joan who?
Joan call us, we'll call you.

Here are some randomly selected joke topics



Waiter, waiter, this food isn't fit for a pig.'
'Very good sir. I'll go and get you some that is.'


I don't have a drinking problem.
I drink
I get drunk
I fall down
No problem


Why did the chicken just pretend it was going to cross the road?
Because it was a practical yoker.


What do you call an Eskimo cow?
An eskimoo.


Why do dentists like to eat potatoes?
Because they are so filling.

Window Shopping

George: I went window shopping this morning.
Dave: Did you get anything?
George: Yes. I bought four windows.


What is found in the middle of America and Australia? The letter R.

The Police

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Dishes, who?
Dishes the police. Open this door!

Knock Knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Frank who?
Frank you very much.

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