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Joke Topic - 'Bug'

Here is 1 joke on the topic - 'Bug'.


Doctor, Doctor I keep seeing an insect spinning in front of my eyes.
Don't worry, it's just a bug that's going around!

Here are some randomly selected joke topics



Which bird is always out of breath?
A puffin.


What did the mother cow say to the baby cow?
You should be asleep by now, it's way pasture bedtime.


How does a pig write home?
With a pig pen.


You should laugh at your problems everyone else does.


Patient: Doctor, you must help me I keep thinking that I'm a crossword puzzle.
Doctor: Is it getting you down?


'Waiter! There's a fly in my alphabet soup!'
I expect it's learning to read, sir.'


What children's toy hates to be touched?

Shopping Cart

Her shopping cart can't hold all the groceries.

The Statue Of Liberty

Q. What does the Statue of Liberty stand for?
A. Because it can't sit down.

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