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Joke Topic - 'Breed' - 2 Jokes and Funny Stories To Laugh At

Here are 2 jokes on the topic - 'Breed'.

What breed of dog does a chemistry teacher have?
A laboratory retriever.
What breed of dog loves to take a bath?
A shampoodle!

Here are some randomly selected joke topics


How do you make anti-freeze?
Send her to the North Pole.


'Hi Bob, Where have you been?'
'The cemetery.'
'Oh! Who's dead?'
'They all are.'


Did you hear about the optician who tripped over a dog?
He made quite a spectacle of himself.


What do you call a man with sports equipment on his head?


Why is a bee like an insult?
Because both carry a sting!


Janet: My husband talks in his sleep.
Mary: Why not take him to the doctor?
Janet: Are you kidding? It's the only time he talks to me.

King Kong

Why did King Kong climb up the side of the skyscraper?
Because the elevator was broken.


What is the main ingredient of dog biscuits?
Collie flour.

Lose Weight

Each time I manage to lose weight, somehow, it will always find me again.
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