Here are some randomly selected joke topics
Did you hear about the rich rabbit?
He was a millionhare.
Teenage Driver: But, officer, I'm a college graduate.
Traffic Cop: Sorry, but ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.
Julie: It takes me an hour to get to work in the morning.
Jean: Is that before or after you arrive?
What does a skeleton order when he eats in a restaurant?
He really surprised her on her birthday.
He remembered it.
A Born Loser
A born loser: Somebody who calls the telephone number that's scrawled in lipstick on the phone booth wall -- and his wife answers.
How do you get down from an elephant?
You don't: you get down from a duck!
Father Christmas
What do you call Father Christmas when he stops moving?
Santa Pause!
Great Britain
Who is Great Britain's data compression hero?
Jack the Zipper