A little girl named Sally loved to eat animal crackers. Her mom took her to the store and bought her some. When they got home, Sally started taking out all the animal crackers from the box and laid them all out on the table. Her mother asked why she was doing that.
Sally replied, 'I'm looking for the seal. The box says if the seal is broken, don't eat it.'
Have you ever wondered why animals are made of meat if we're not supposed to eat them?
I think animal testing is a terrible idea. They get all nervous and give the wrong answers.
Three animals were having a heated debate over who was the best. The first, a hawk, stated that because of his capacity to fly, he could continually strike anything from above, leaving his prey helpless. No one in the forest ventured to dispute the second, a lion, who staked his claim on strength. The third, a skunk, maintained that he could scare off any creature without the need for strength or flight. As the trio pondered the problem, a grizzly bear appeared and ate them all: hawk, lion, and stinker!
What do you get if you cross a rooster with a duck?
An animal that wakes you up at the quack of dawn.
What type of animal is no fun at a party?
A boar!
Which animal should you never trust?
A cheetah.