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How Do You? Jokes - Page 3 - With 4 More Jokes and Funny Stories

Humor asking the question 'how do you'?

This is page 3 of 3. Showing jokes 25 to 28

How do you communicate with a fish?
You drop him a line.
How do you know if there is a pilot at your party?
He'll tell you.
How do you become a university professor?
By degrees.
How do you make an egg laugh?
You tell it a yolk.

Here are some randomly selected jokes from other categories

For Children

What did the pork chop say to the steak?
Nice to meat you.

Yo Mama

Yo momma's so stupid, she tripped over a cordless phone!

Having A Bad Day

You know you're having a bad day when - Everyone is laughing but you.


What is a cannibals favorite drink?
Wine with a lot of body.

Restaurants Food

Customer: Waiter, there is there a small bug in my salad?
Waiter: I'm terribly sorry. Would you like me to get you a bigger one?


Some bacon and eggs walked into a bar.
The bartender said "Sorry, we don't serve breakfast".


'Would you rather a lion ate you or a gorilla?'
'I would rather the lion ate the gorilla.'

Knock Knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Dawn who?
Dawn go doing anything I wouldn't do.

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