Scottish Jokes
Why do all Scots have a sense of humour?
Because it's free.Scottish Jokes
Doctor: So what is Hamish complaining about now?>
Nurse: He says that he recovered before all his medicine was finished, so he wants a refund on the cost of his prescription. Marriage
Husband: Did you marry me just because my father died and left me a fortune?
Wife: No, I would have married you whoever left you a fortune. Why Did?
Why did the lion cross the road?
Because it was a mane road. Intelligence Tests
Which burns longer, a red or a white candle?
Neither, they both burn shorter. Blondes
What do you do if a blonde woman throws a grenade at you?
Pull the pin out and throw it back. For Children
What did the rug say to the floor?
I've got you covered.Airlines
Can you telephone from an airplane?
Of course, anyone can tell a phone from an airplane.